These videos outline some of the most common muscle strengthening exercises to help prevent and treat running injuries.

Hip Abductor Strengthening

  1. Place opposite foot behind band.

  2. Move involved leg outward, keeping knee straight.

  3. 2 seconds out and 2 seconds in, control the motion throughout.

Hip Internal Rotator Strengthening

  1. Stand with involved leg externally rotated at 45 degrees, with band around the front at hip level. Move the involved leg forward while internally rotating, keeping the knee straight or with slight “soft knee”.

  2. 2 seconds forward and 2 seconds back, control the motion throughout.

Hip External Rotator Strengthening

  1. Stand with feet side by side and the band around your back at hip level. Move the involved leg backward while externally rotating, keeping the knee straight or with a slight “soft knee”. Tap toe down at 160 degrees and rotate back to the starting position.

  2. Control the motion throughout.


1. Begin standing upright balancing on one leg with a resistance band around your ankle facing away from the anchor point.

2. Slowly draw you leg forward, keeping your core engaged then slowly bring your leg back to the start position.

Hip Extension Strengthening

  1. Place opposite foot beside band.

  2. Move involved leg backwards, keeping knee and trunk straight.

  3. 2 seconds out and 2 seconds in, control the motion throughout.

Hip Abduction Monster Walks

1. Place an elastic resistance band around both of your ankles. Keeping your knees slightly bent and your pelvis level, take a wide step to the side then slowly control your other leg as it moves back together. 

Gluteus Medius Strengthening

  1. Place opposite leg in front of band.

  2. Move involved leg back to 45 degree angle, keeping knee straight or with slight “soft knee”.

  3. 2 seconds out and 2 seconds in, control the motion throughout.